
Below are examples of some of the settlements that we have been able to achieve for our clients:
Client suffered permanent injuries after being thrown from a motorcycle. The tortfeasor made an improper left-hand turn, cutting off the client. The initial offer for $325,000.00 was rejected and further negotiation brought a final settlement of $400,000.00.
Client was permanently injured on a motorcycle when the tortfeasor pulled out in front of them, leaving no room to make a safe and effective stop.
The tortfeasor ran a red light and made contact with the client’s vehicle while they were making a legal and safe left-hand turn. After a tender of the tortfeasor’s bodily injury limits, the client’s own insurance company had an initial offer of $10,000.00. Negotiation throughout litigation allowed for this settlement to grow from $60,000.00 to $100,000.00.
Client was rear-ended by a negligent tortfeasor. The insurance company initially offered $50,000.00. This offer was made a time when the client already had $42,000 in medical bills and had two surgical procedures pending. Negotiations eventually led this case to settle for $275,000.00.
A negligent tortfeasor ran a steady red light and t-boned the client. The tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier quickly tendered limits of $10,000.00 and the client was forced to rely on their underinsured motorist carrier. The initial offer of $65,000.00 was unacceptable and the carrier was ultimately made to increase their offer to $125,000.00
Negligent tortfeasor failed to yield to the client and cut them off, leaving no time to safely brake. The client received a total of $100,000.00 from the tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier and their own underinsured motorist carrier. Initially the bodily injury carrier only offered $45,000.00 to settle even though the client’s medical bills had already amounted to about $88,000.00. Its final contribution to the settlement totaled $95,000.00
Client had to be transported to the hospital via helicopter after the tortfeasor caused their head-on collision. The tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier quickly tendered limits of $100,000.00, however the client’s own underinsured motorist carrier attempted to undercut them and only offer $15,000.00 in additional compensation.
Two clients involved in a 4-vehicle collision, initially caused by a sovereign entity. The entity afforded $120,000.00 to each client and left them to rely on their own underinsured motorist carrier. Initial offers of $2,000.00 and $18,000.00 were eventually brought up to $13,000.00 and $20,000.00, respectively.
Client recovered from both the tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier and their own underinsured motorist carrier after the tortfeasor made an improper left-hand turn and pulled out in front them.
Client recovered from the tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier after a multiple-vehicle collision caused by the tortfeasor forced the client to undergo serious neck surgery.
The tortfeasor made a safe U-Turn, but ultimately swerved too far into the next lane, hitting the vehicle in which the client was an innocent passenger.
Wil Flores, P.A. was able to locate another applicable bodily injury policy after an extensive coverage investigation, allowing for the client to recover after being rear-ended while stopped at a red light.
Client was the second car involved in a three-vehicle chain collision and suffered serious injury, requiring a lower back surgery to correct. The client was forced to negotiate with their own underinsured motorist carrier after the tortfeasor only carried $50,000.00 of coverage.
Client recovered after being t-boned when a negligent driver ran a steady red light.
Extensive coverage investigation unveiled an umbrella policy, which was able to provide further coverage to the client after being hit by a negligent driver who made an improper lane change and caused a multi-vehicle collision.
Client suffered a hit and run where the tortfeasor made an improper lane change and struck the client’s vehicle. Investigation led to the tortfeasor being found, however, despite these terrible actions, the underlying bodily injury carrier presented an initial offer of $14,853.77
Minor client suffered serious permanent injury after the tortfeasor failed to properly yield and pulled out in front them. The collision caused the client lose consciousness on scene.
Initial coverage investigation uncovered an umbrella policy which afforded compensation to the client after the tortfeasor failed to properly yield and pulled out in front them. The impact of the collision caused serious injury to the neck and required surgery to correct.
Client recovered after being injured in a T-Bone crash when the tortfeasor ran a steady red light.
Client was rear-ended and had to rely on their own underinsured motorist carrier for compensation after the tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier only afforded $50,000.00 in coverage. Unfortunately, this did not come easy as the UM carrier’s first offer was only $1,500.00.
Litigation finally held this insurance company accountable after their insured, while under the influence, rear-ended the client and ejected them from their motorcycle. Initially, the insurance company denied full liability for the accident and attempted to put a significant portion of the blame on the client.
Client recovered after a tortfeasor, while in the course and scope of their employment with a major business, swerved and caused a head on collision with the client.
Tortfeasor caused a four-vehicle chain collision after becoming distracted by texting and driving. The client, in the first car impacted, suffered a serious brain injury and was forced to rely on their own underinsured motorist carrier after the tortfeasor only carried coverage up to $100,000.00. Unfortunately, the UM carrier was reluctant to come to the client’s aid, making an initial offer of only $1,000.00.
Client recovered after being the victim of a hit and run accident. Litigation was necessary to force the insurance company to be accountable, as their initial offer was only $19,100.
Wil Flores, P.A. was brought on as co-counsel to a prior attorney in order to further assist the client in getting their rightful recovery. With an initial offer of $74,219.71 to compensate serious and permanent injuries to the client after the tortfeasor failed to yield the right of way when attempting to make a U-Turn, litigation was necessary to hold the insurance company accountable and reach a settlement of $200,000.00.
Client recovered after the tortfeasor attempted to cut in front of the client at a gas station by speeding around them and ultimately colliding with them, causing serious injury.
After the tortfeasor caused serious injury by failing to yield and pulling out in front of the client with very minimal bodily injury coverage, the client had to turn to its own underinsured motorist carrier. Negotiations were able to raise the settlement offer from an initial $68,000.00 to $100,000.00, the limit of coverage.
Client was rear-ended with enough force to cause serious injury that required lower-back surgery to correct. This case was a long and drawn-out fight, as the responsible insurance company initially offered a measly $4,918.66 as compensation.
Client had to rely on both the tortfeasor’s bodily injury carrier and their own underinsured motorist carrier to receive compensation for the injuries sustained after the tortfeasor ran a stop sign and hit the client. Initially, the UM carrier denied coverage. However, it was uncovered that they were not able to fully comply with Florida law in their procedures and were forced to afford coverage. That proved its own fight, as the settlement offer had to be negotiated from $7,348.48 to $75,000.00.
Client recovered after the tortfeasor failed to properly yield and pulled out in front of the client. Litigation was a necessary step in holding the insurance company accountable for the client’s injuries, as the initial offer was $60,000.00.
Client recovered after being rear-ended with enough force to cause injury needing a neck surgery to rectify.
Client recovered after a work truck carrying a full trailer failed to completely stop at a stop sign and t-boned the client, causing serious injury.
This trucking case left the client seriously injured, needing a neck surgery after the negligent operator made an improper merge onto the highway, making contact with the client’s vehicle.
The responsible insurance company initially denied any liability for compensating the client. After a supposed clerical error was uncovered, the insurance company finally afforded compensation to the client after their insured, while intoxicated, ran their vehicle into the client’s person while they were entering a gas station.
Client was a victim of the negligent maintenance of a resort premises when an exposed wire caused them to trip and fall, leaving the client with a traumatic brain injury. Litigation was necessary to hold the insurance company accountable, as their initial offer was $25,000.00.
Client was a passenger in a vehicle driven by an operator for a ride-share company when the driver ran a red light and caused a collision, leaving the client seriously injured.
Other applicable insurance policies were uncovered and found to provide coverage to the client after he suffered serious injury to the lower extremities. After their car broke down, the client went underneath the vehicle to try and fix the issue, but his legs were run over by a negligent driver on the premises.
Client suffered serious injuries to the neck, back, and lower extremities after being struck by a vehicle while traveling by bicycle in a crosswalk.
Client recovered after being backed into while walking into a gas station.
Client suffered a traumatic brain injury when, due to the negligent maintenance of the premises of a local restaurant, an umbrella fell on top of their head, causing them to lose consciousness.