We specialize in a wide variety of Cases.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Tampa
In the United States, criminal defense lawyers deal with the issues surrounding an arrest, a criminal investigation, criminal charges, sentencing, appeals, and post-trial issues. Often an attorney will specialize in a niche within criminal defense, such as drug defense or DUI defense.
They could work for the local, state, or federal government or they could work for private law firms. The defense lawyers could also have their own practice and handle multiple criminal cases.
An arrest simply means a police officer, federal agent, or judge believes probable cause exists that a person committed a crime. Since an arrest is usually made by law enforcement, the arrest often is for a criminal charge that has not been levied or verified by an attorney or judge. Criminal defense lawyers also deal with the substantive issues of the crimes with which their clients are charged.
Criminal defense lawyers may also help clients before charges have been filed by a prosecuting attorney: this is done when someone believes he or she is being investigated.
We pride ourselves on our strengths as a litigation firm. These strengths that we have learned are some of the most important qualities of running a successful criminal defense legal firm and ultimately, winning your case!
- Arbitration
- Litigation
- Collaboration
- Negotiation
- Trials and Appeals
For an absolutely free consultation with no strings attached, simply smash that button below and tell us about your situation. It all starts with a conversation!

Let us examine the charge and the evidence against you and let you know where you stand. Having an aggressive legal representative on your side can make a great difference in your case.
According to the Florida Department of Children and Families, in 2020, 106,515 crimes of domestic violence were reported to Florida law enforcement agencies.
Don’t give up hope. Just because you have been arrested and charged does not mean that the police followed proper procedure or that everything was done correctly.
A misdemeanor conviction may not result in loss of some of the rights and privileges that result in a felony conviction, but it does establish a criminal record.
We have decades of experience in helping to minimize the harm that traffic tickets can cause.
A person who disobeys a civil stalking injunction may be arrested and prosecuted for the crime of stalking or may be held in contempt of court.
During normal working hours, a Petition for Injunction can be filed with the Clerk’s Office. Let us help you get protected.
Harassment is when someone, or a number of people behave in a way which makes you feel distressed, alarmed, humiliated or threatened.